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The legend of the redstarts

The legend tells of two very special children, born with a unique and precious gift: the ability to believe in dreams and to see the potential beauty of the world everywhere. They had pure souls and knew that, despite the passage of time, as long as they maintained their innocence, they could paint what surrounded them with the colors of desires. One day, as they walked along a dirt road, they ventured into a forest. They carried a small suitcase and held hands. With their steps, they colored nature with bright shades and wonderful hues: emerald green for the leaves, cobalt blue for the sky, aquamarine blue for the river. Suddenly, they saw a redstart bird waltzing from one branch to another, gliding and soaring in the air as lightly as a feather. They wanted to meet it and ask it to teach them the art of flying. The redstart was about to become a mother to two little ones that would hatch in a few days. The eggs were laid in the nook of a turret of the nearby castle. The children followed the redstart, happy to admire spires and turrets, just as in fairy tales.


The legend of the redstarts

When they arrived, the building that appeared before them didn't need to be colored: it was beautiful, towering on the slope of a mountain against the vast sky, reflecting the sunlight. The children settled in the redstart's accommodation and patiently waited for the eggs to hatch. They all became one family: the children cradled the birds when mother redstart went off to get food, and they sang melodies resembling their chirping to lull them to sleep. As the days passed, mother redstart decided it was time to teach the little ones to fly. Thus began a slow apprenticeship in which the little birds, in their attempts to spread their wings, would fall and then rise again while the children watched, amazed from the turret.
How wonderful it would have been to dance in the air and chase the currents of the wind... but for humans, it truly seemed impossible.

Di lì a poco ci sarebbe stato un evento molto importante: l’inaugurazione del castello.
Sarebbero arrivati ospiti da tutto il mondo e alla festa avrebbero partecipato anche tutti gli animali del bosco. Mamma codirosso desiderava che i piccoli fossero pronti per l’evento e intensificò le lezioni di volo. Fu proprio così che il giorno dell’inaugurazione, all’arrivo dei primi ospiti e allo squillare delle trombe, dal nido in cima alla torretta non presero il volo 2 bensì 4 magnifici uccellini. I bambini grazie all’intensità dei sogni e la forza dei desideri, si erano trasformati in piccoli codirosso. Potevano ammirare dall’alto la bellezza dell’intero panorama e festeggiarono il castello con un girotondo nell’aria, trasportati dalla brezza e dal canto dei grilli, con il cuore gonfio di gioia.

Nulla è impossibile per chi davvero crede di potercela fare.

The Castle